The Sri Sri Sai Gurukul Vidya Mandir

Our Model

Process to build the uniqueness in the Academic and Spiritual Program model.

Our Key Factors

Continuous inspiration, engagements and energize are the key factors.

Our Focus

Intended for upbringing of the underprivileged and backward community service


Students get the advanced learning in their respective interest & specialty .

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Honors Programs

The Sri Sri Sai Gurukul Vidya Mandir is unique in it’s honors program and program on high human values. To bring up the student’s excellence, the school management has scheduled the following honors program as per the primary education and higher learning core governance board guidelines.

a. Honors Mathematics
b. Honors English

If you wish to enroll in the honors program, please reach out to your respective home room class teacher, and submit the application for the honors program. School will conduct the honors program eligibility test twice in a year.

If the applicant is selected then applicants are required to attend the additional hours of honors classes and additional home works. The candidate has to perform consistently to retain the seats in the honors program.