From Principal Desks
Nation Change – A Unique Mission of Sai Vidya Mandir

“A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives one a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power.” – By Brain Tracy
Dear Parents, Children & Well wishers;
Sairam to you all from The SSSGVM, Udala. Some realize the self within them through the practice of meditation, by path of wisdom and other by selfless services. Others may not know these paths but hearing and following the instructions of an illuminated teacher, they too go beyond death.
Education is the process of cultivating completeness in human being, it’s the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
The students of The SSSGVM will follow the trend LOVE ALL SERVE ALL by the blessings of BABA.
Ms. Priyadarshini Lenka
Principal, SSSGVM